Srbija duguje penzionerima na Kosovu 2,8 milijardi eura
Srbija duguje penzionerima na Kosovu 2,8 milijardi eura
Istraživački institut za evropska pitanja i razvoj (RIDEA) predstavio je u srijedu studije o pitanju Fonda za penzijsko i invalidsko osiguranje Kosova, u kontekstu eventualnog konačnog sporazuma između Kosova i Srbije.
Prema toj studiji, Srbija albanskim i ostalim nesrpskim penzionerima s Kosova duguje približno 2,3 milijarde eura za period od 1999. do 2016.
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RIDEA Publications
RIDEA Publications RIDEA publishes academic articles in internationally peer-reviewed journals, commentaries and op-eds in the newspapers.
Reports / Policy Briefs
Reports / Policy Briefs The substance and status of implementation of Kosovo-Serbia dialogue’ agreements
Academic Articles
Academic Articles Essentially Contested? Kosovo’s Perplexing and Mixed International Statebuilding Record. Gëzim Krasniqi.
Journal of European and International Affairs (JEIA)
Journal of European and International Affairs (JEIA) The overall state of the sphere of academic or scholarly publications in Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro and other countries.
Commentary/OP-ED Brussels Prelude to Kosovo (The Parliament) 31st October 2013. Labinot Greiçevci.
E-newsletter Biannual summary of RIDEAs activities.